This is a fantastic investment opportunity!
Carroll county Illinois 86.73 acres with 80 acres enrolled in CRP (CP23) expires on 9-30-26
This farm is pattern tiled with 4" laterals on 40' centers.
The CRP is paying $389.76 per acre, THAT IS $31,181 per year.
When CRP is up in 2026, reenroll or put back into row crop production. This farm could be classified as organic because it will have been 10 years since it has been sprayed.
The deer hunting is good on this property, and there is a good pheasant population too, and its in a flyway for geese, so you could shoot geese too. The hunting lease is over $1000 net a year.
If you are looking to invest in some tillable land, this is a solid 5% return investment.
Asking $556,500 Contact Cabot Benton 217-371-2598
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