Rock Island County IL 23.25 acre Waterfowl WRP property


Property Details

ID: 68256
Status: Available
Price: $116,250
Acres: 23.25±
Price Per Acre: $5,000
Type: Hunting Land
Address: 38th Ave N
City, State: Hillsdale, Illinois
County: Rock Island
ZIP Code: 61257


Surveyed 23.25 acres all in WRP, all south of 38th avenue and west of the Rock River, lots of big timber, good deer hunting, good waterfowl hunting, small hunting tracts in this area are hard to come by. There should be good fishing on it too, between the slough and the pond. No tillable, just timber and water. Going East it gives you river access. Asking $116,250 Boundaries are approximate and it has been surveyed. For more information or for a private tour contact Cabot Benton with Legacy Land Company 217-371-2598 or Beau Smith 309-236-1088

Cabot Benton
Cabot Benton
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