76 +/- Recreational Ground on Middle Road, Boone County, IL


Property Details

ID: 67953
Status: Sold
Acres: 76±
Type: Hunting Land
City, State: South Beloit, Illinois
County: Boone
ZIP Code: 61080


This recreational ground on Middle Road in Boone County boasts a secluded, big playing area for hunting. These two parcels combine to make up one beautiful piece of land. There are trails around the property for easy access to multiple food plots and deer hunting stand locations. Turkey and coyotes can also be found roaming around this mostly wooded piece of property. Uses include: family camping, ATV paths, hunting and hiking. Currently being leased for hunting and this is a great location that is minutes from Rockford and the Wisconsin border. It is also less than two hours from downtown Chicago which makes it the perfect location to de-stress from city life. The property has been in the family for over 100 years, you should be the next owner, for the next 100 years.

Robert LaPage
Robert LaPage

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