26 +/- Acres in Fulton County, IL


Property Details

ID: 67869
Status: Sold
Acres: 32±
County: Fulton
ZIP Code: 61252
Presented By: Chuck Paddock


This very unique 26+- acre Fulton County recreational-hunting property is located right outside Astoria Illinois, It has over 1 1/4 miles of field edge to hunt. The property is an old railroad right of way that winds through thousands of acres of tillable and timber land. The property surrounding this land is "NO HUNTING", so you get to take advantage of the best deer and turkey hunting over the full 1 1/4 miles. There are plenty of food plot opportunities and year round water. Besides the deer hunting, there is good turkey, rabbit and squirrel hunting. For any non-hunters, there are fantastic ATV trails, hiking trails, biking trails and or equestrian trails. If your looking for a great place to hunt with low maintenance and the ability to hunt a couple people on small acreage then this is your property. For more information or to schedule a visit call Cabot Benton at 217-371-2598 or cbenton@mossyoakproperties.com.

Chuck Paddock
Chuck Paddock

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