If you are looking for property that is income producing, a place to hunt big bucks and turkey, a place to fish with your family on your own private 1 acre pond, you have found it! This BEAUTIFUL piece of property has 32.1 acres of crp that has an annual income of $8571.00 with the crp contract lasting thru 2028. The timber stand offers immediate harvest if the new owner desires. A verbal quote of $50,000-$75,000 was given on timber 3 years ago. The pictures of the Big Bucks speak for themselves. This woods lays out perfectly to hunt & kill big bucks on a consistent basis. This property funnels deer into it from several areas. The Turkey hunting is also great and will give you year around time outdoors on your own piece of heaven. Property is 12 miles south of Interstate 74. 1 hour 20 minutes west of Indianapolis. 2 hours 30 minutes south of downtown Chicago. If you like to know more about this piece of land or you would like to set an appointment to see it, please contact Lori Paddock 765-230-6572 or lpaddock@legacylandco.com. You must be with the agent to see the property.
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