McDonough county Illinois, 106+- acres pasture, tillable and hunting land and home


Property Details

ID: 68075
Status: Sold
Acres: 106±
Type: Farms
City, State: Macomb, Illinois
County: McDonough
ZIP Code: 61455


McDonough 106+- acres of beautiful pasture, fenced and cross fenced or approximately 45 acres could be tillable with the rest in timber and pasture, and a 4 bedroom 1 bath home with outbuildings just a few minutes north of Macomb right off Hwy 67 right north of the Lamoine River.

At one time part of the property was in row crop, but the owners have run cattle on it for 30 years. There is good 5 strand wire fencing on most of the boundaries with the west boundary being in panel. There are several 5 strand cross fences throughout. There is a natural spring that runs 365 days a year and never freezes. The owners run usually between 45-65 pairs on the property and still are able to cut hay. The better PI dirt on the north side of the property is 45.6 acres of Rosetta silt loam 279B and 279C2.

The 4 bedroom 1 bath home has new windows, new water heater, redone hardwood floors, basement, it could be a nice home or a good rental home, the renters now would love to stay and the seller says they are great renters. There is a Quonset hut for machinery and implement storage, there's an old barn with a calving pen and also a round pen on the property. This would be a cowboys dream place, lots of beautiful land to ride on and secluded but just 10 minutes to Walmart.

And for all the hunters looking for land, this property is in a fantastic area for deer, In 2004 a local hunter took a 296" non typical just across the highway from this farm and the deer is hanging in a store a few miles away. If you put this back into crops, let the bottoms grow up into thickets and bedding, it could be as good of deer hunting as there is anywhere.

This is a farm/ranch that you need to see to see, pictures don't do it justice.

Asking price is $599,950

If you are interested contact Cabot Benton 217-371-2598


Cabot Benton
Cabot Benton
Partner | Broker | Land Specialist

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