62 acres Schuyler county Illinois


Property Details

ID: 67893
Status: Sold
Acres: 62±
Type: Hunting Land
City, State: Browning, Illinois
County: Schuyler
ZIP Code: 62617
Presented By: Chuck Paddock



This 62 +- acre of great deer hunting property, with income in Schuyler county Illinois!

This property is in big buck country, its a very rural area that consist of hardwood ridges, and deep draws and crop fields anywhere the ground is flat. There is a creek that winds through the property and has running water year round. There are 10.5 acres that were in tillable that are now enrolled in CRP and have 9 years of payments left at $228 per acre, that's $2394 a year income. There is a great road system that runs through the property which make great pinch points and there are several places to plant food plots. The South and West neighbor, and the neighbor to the Northeast are all tillable. This property is a travel corridor between all the fields.

Great trophy area, lots of young bucks with potential on camera this year.

West neighbor was 1/2 beans and 1/2 corn and its planted to the border of this property. There are also a few really nice foodplots, this small farm has it all!

Asking price $198,090 ($3195.00 per acre)

If you are interested in this property get in touch with Cabot Benton 217- 371-2598 or cbenton@legacylandco.com

Chuck Paddock
Chuck Paddock

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