This property is located in southeastern Clark County, in an area known for producing 200" bucks, over and over. By now you know, big property doesn't mean big deer, but the right property can be a honey hole for a wise hunter. There's 59 acres of mature timber property along the Wabash River valley, big buck basin. The property is in a EWPP program ( a wildlife and soil erosion program) and at the discretion of NRCS, improvements can be made that benefit wildlife and also preserve and prevent soil erosion. Property is very secluded and easily accessed by a right of way on the south west corner. Eastern property line is the Wabash River, and then the state of Indiana. The property's north neighboring line is about 45 acres of soybean field edge and then a thick brushy timber strip that borders the river. Or as we call it in Illinois, a BIG Buck Highway. The neighboring property to the south border is about 98% soybean field as well, and 2% heavy timber strip along the river levee. Or as we call it in Illinois, The Perfect Funnel. The west property line goes along the neighbors field access lane. Farther west is a mix of agricultural fields and a gravel quarry. The neighbor's fields on the north and south of this property are blocked from the road view by heavy tree rows. So no road shopping. This creates the best 59 acres of deer, turkey, and waterfowl hunting I've seen in a long time. I can't wait to tell you more about this property, and become your best hunting buddy. Do not trespass, respect the land owners by contacting Roger Roan @ Legacy Land Company to view 618-554-7237 or 217-369-4864
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