5.73 acres, barn w/stalls, timber, water, power Crofton KY


Property Details

ID: 68364
Status: Sold
Acres: 5.73±
Type: Residential Property
Address: 15554 Dawson Springs Rd
City, State: Crofton, Kentucky
County: Christian
ZIP Code: 42217
Presented By: Kirk Dulin
Dwelling Sq Ft: 1,900
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1


15554 Dawson Springs Rd Crofton KY 5.73+-acres 15 minutes to Hopkinsville. Timber, pasture, homesite.

  • 5.73+- acre
  • Pole barn w/stalls
  • Storage shed
  • 40' x 46' Superior wall basement
  • County water and well
  • Electricity
  • deer hunting (2 stands stay)
  • 2 miles from Pennyrile State Park

Asking just $96,000 If interested contact Legacy Land Listing agent Kirk Dulin 270-484-1476 kdulin@legacylandco.com

Kirk Dulin
Kirk Dulin
Land Specialist | Agent

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Kirk Dulin
Land Specialist | Agent
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