This 119 acres is some of the most beautiful deer property you will ever step on.
The farmer that farms this property would still like to cash rent the farm, and also will give the new buyer first right of refusal for an additional, attached 42 acres to lease which will also give the new owner another access point.
This 119 +- acre farm has approximately 23 acres of tillable and 13.1 acres of CRP and is in Schuyler county, Illinois, within 15 minutes from Rushville. The crop fields are mostly Rozetta silt loam and Fayette silt loam, and the productivity index is 117. The property has great neighbors, including the farmer that would still like to farm this property. The farm is at a dead end on a very quiet rural road, There are several cabin sites and it does have access to power.
Tillable fields, food plot areas and there is a creek on the property, so it does have a year round water source.
CRP pays $2420 annually and is enrolled through 2022.
Guys, this is big deer country, you cant ask for anymore than this on 119 acres. It has winding, curvy crop fields that run through heavy timbered ridges. Its great turkey and small game hunting too.
I can tell you from living here and hunting this area, this property is in the right place, its an area loaded with big bucks and it has the right topography, has good neighbors and has income.
If you are interested in this farm contact Cabot Benton 217-371-2598 or
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