Tillable, great timber, big whitetails, good turkey hunting and all in Adams County near Lima, IL 62348 , just minutes North of Quincy. This farm has everything you need to grow giant bucks, food, cover, water and a very strict management plan.There is a 10 acre field that is planted in corn right now, and there is roughly another 20 acres that need to be put back into tillable, that's about 30 acres out of 119, that's guaranteed income and a guaranteed food source for the deer, turkey and small game. This amazing mixed use farmland is a great hunting property, but it also could be used as a horse or cattle ranch, there's a large barn, a grain bin and some fenced pastures all on the front side of the property. The remaining property is rolling hills with deep draws with standing walnut, Oaks and Hickory trees. There is a beautiful stocked pond, and two running creeks crossing the property. There's a good road system that takes you through the property, making it easy to get to and from your stands. You wont find many properties that are this size, have this quality of deer, have a tillable income and timber value, have a barn and good neighbors, at a price like this.
(Update, landowner just opened up about 10 more acres to plant as of Aug 1)
Call me or email me for more information or to schedule a visit: Cabot Benton 217-371-2598 or cbenton@mossyoakproperties.com
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